We affirm that the life of the church flows through relationships within the body; consequently, we place a high priority on house groups. We affirm that the body is built up “by that which every joint supplies”, and that house groups provide a venue for the exercise of this truth. Under the oversight of house group leaders the following should occur; discipleship, healing, encouragement and release into ministry, all within the context of prayer, worship and teaching. The goal of house groups is, as stated in Col 1:28, “to present every man complete in Christ,” to release the individual into God’s calling, and to re-enforce a Biblical model of family values. House groups are the main functional level in the working out of the church’s mission. As we learn, practice and teach the Kingdom of God, lives are transformed ‘from glory to glory’.
We affirm the function of these groups is to be a place where age appropriate teaching and discipleship are carried out and that this is to be done within the framework of an evangelistic mandate.
The goal of the college and career group is to provide a venue where relationship, personal accountability and mutual submission can occur within a peer group setting. The teaching should have an emphasis on relationships, work, marriage, ministry, leadership and other current issues facing young adults. Within this setting the gifts of the Holy Spirit can be practised, and the servant heart of Christ can be expressed both locally and internationally.
The aim of the Youth Ministry is: to support the family unit; to teach respect for God ordained authority; to provide a setting where those in their teen years can continue the process of becoming disciples of Jesus Christ; to develop a sense of mission and a heart for the nations.
Sunday School provides a support to Biblical literacy through basic Scriptural teaching and memorization. Since the call of Christ is a call to a life of obedience, the Sunday School aims to connect Biblical knowledge with discipleship at a level which is age appropriate.
We affirm that he purpose of corporate worship is: to focus our love, adoration and thanksgiving to the Lord Jesus Christ; to bring us into the presence of the Lord to hear Him speak; to facilitate a corporate outpouring of our life to the Lord, finding its expression through music, dance, the arts, prayer and giving.
We affirm that prayer is both an inward and outward expression of our mind, emotion and will released to God with the expectation that He will answer. Prayer is the foundation for all that we do. We further affirm that our goal is to capture the heart of Jesus, open up true communion with God the Father and to see an army of intercessors raised up.
We affirm that both the prophetic ministry and the prophetic office are valid for today. The prophetic office helps establish foundational order, while the prophetic ministry releases edification, exhortation, and consolation in the life of the Church. All prophetic ministry functions with the context of the local Church government and must be consistent with the scriptures.
We affirm the great commission of Matthew 28: 18-20 to go and make disciples of all the nations. We also recognize that God’s heart is for the: poor, needy, broken, widows, orphans and lost. For VCF, this ministry finds its expression both locally and abroad.
We affirm that Christ, as the head of the Church, has delegated authority, responsibility and accountability for VCF to a team of elders. In addition, the elders delegate responsibility to; House Group leaders, Worship leaders, Youth Group leaders, College & Career leaders and others as need arises. We believe that apart from eldership, positions of ministry and leadership are open to both men and women.
We affirm that the Word of God, systematically taught, establishes the foundation for a victorious and fruitful Christian life. We encourage everyone to love the truth, diligently study God’s Word, find its application in life, and cultivate the formation of life in others. Our goal is to present every person “complete in Christ”.