11 2013 Oct

Report by Kelly Klassen
Oct. 2013

I went to help feed lunch to the street people at the Anglican church yesterday. It was amazing. Everyone pulling together as a family to get the place ready. We had kids and adults all pitching together getting the tables in place and covered, getting the coffee started, preparing food in the kitchen, etc.  There were about a dozen of us. I stood outside with Betty for a while talking to those who came early. We were just loving on them telling them how loved they were and listening to their stories, offering prayer where we could. What we try to do is not to give them Jesus but to show them Jesus.

Inside the tables were set and the serving tables loaded with food. Baked potatoes and chili with the fixings and ice cream and cookies for dessert. (A meal put together by chef Lois) As the doors opened and the people filed in down the stairs, I thought I would play worship music as I usually do. Releasing the presence of Jesus through worship makes a huge difference in the atmosphere. It was great to see the Wilson kids serving food alongside Sterling. I played for maybe 20 minutes and seeing that Betty was upstairs by herself I decided to go up and join her. We offered to pray for people as they left and blessed them as came in and as they went on their way. Most of them got excited when we told them there was ice cream for desert.

Then a guy named Luke came in a wheel chair. There was no way to get him down the stairs so we made him a plate and brought it to him upstairs. I sat down with him while he ate lunch and we talked. He had lost 20 years of his memory with a brain injury in 06. He could process thought perfectly and was very bright but it put him in the wheel chair. I asked his story and told him how God loved him. Betty came back up with a couple who had finished lunch with their daughter and informed me that the father wanted prayer for his stomach because he had stomach cancer and was in a lot of pain. I prayed for him speaking affirmations over him that I was getting from Holy Spirit. One was that he had a very large heart of love for others and that he wasn’t able to love on others the way he wanted because the pain was hindering him. His wife confirmed that. I called for the pain to leave in Jesus name and asked him if he felt anything. About this time Betty and I both felt the presence of the Lord on him so strong and it was obvious that he was doing something in him. He said that the pain level was quite a bit better. As we were doing this their daughter (12 year old) went over and gave Luke a big hug. That was amazing because she didn’t even know him to my knowledge. I affirmed her and told her special she was. Her mother said the things we were speaking over the father and the daughter were correct, that he really did love others alot and that they had 7 kids and also fostered. The family then left and Betty went downstairs. Luke said he didn’t have proper function in his left hand and that it would be great to be able to use it so I prayed that the Lord would heal his hand and give him better use of it. I told him that there were many people getting healed by the Lord and that I would love to see him healed completely and that we were still learning and growing in what Jesus is doing. I sensed that the Lord was working in him to give him more mobility. Then Luke left and I went downstairs to get some lunch. I sat down at a table with a couple other guys and asked one guy about his story. We talked freely about God and his love. It seemed so natural to tell him that when we believe, Holy Spirit comes in and lives inside us and we are able to release his love to others. Thank you Lord for these great people and your love for them and for using us bring your kingdom to them.

Then it was time to clean up and as I was driving home I knew that I had just spent the whole morning with Jesus. That’s where his heart is.

Kelly Klassen